Quick Java Basics

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Quick Java Basics

We aren’t going to teach a full Java course but need to go over a few things about how Java works. If you want to take a full java course ask a mentor and we can point you towards resources!

Classes and Objects


Variables are pieces of data that hold a value. In Java every variable has a specific type. Types are either “primitive” or a class (more on classes below).

Examples of commonly use primitive variables:


NEW FILE Car.java

public class Car {
  String model;
  int miles;
  int speed
  public Car(String mo, int mi, int s) {
    model = mo;
    miles = mi;
    speed = s;
  // fullThrottle() method
  public void fullThrottle() {
    System.out.println("The car is going as fast as it can!");

  // setSpeed() method 
  public void setSpeed(int s) {
    speed = s;
  // getSpeed() method
  public void getSpeed() {
    System.out.println("The car is going " + speed + " miles per hour.");

NEW FILE Main.java

public class Main {
  // Inside main, call the methods on the myCar object
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Car myCar = new Car("CRV", 100000, 0);     // Create a myCar object and call the constructor
    myCar.fullThrottle();      // Call the fullThrottle() method
    myCar.setSpeed(70);        // Call the setSpeed() method
    myCar.getSpeed();          // Call the getSpeed() method

Brainstorming #1